Dr. M M.Dayakar
- Outsanding Alumni Award of SDM College of Dental Sciences for his contribution in the field of Dentistry, Dental Organizations and Social Achievements.
- Kannada Rajyotsava Award- Awarded With District Kannada Rajyotsava Award On 1st November 2021
- Paul Harris Fellow Award By Rotary International (2016)
- Awarded To Dr M M Dayakar For His Lecture “Perio-Esthetics” During 8th Ids & 2nd Dsc (2016)
- Best teacher award by Alumni association, KVGDCH (2015)
- Secretary Of Isp (2008- 2010)
- Dr M M Dayakar was Appointed As The Chief Advisor Of Odisha Society Of Periodontology And Implantology
- 1st prize dental college category, oral hygiene day by DCI President Dr. Anil Kholi.
- Chairperson for the scientific session on 21st April, 2019 on topic “Implant vs natural teeth preservation- critical evaluation.
- Special guest of the INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION meeting UdupiKaravali on 15-09-2019
- Panelist for point counter point on topic ‘FINISH LINES-AN ENIGMA ’held on 24th& 25th august 2019 PROS-PER 2019 at Mahe institute of dental sciences(MINDS)
- Dr. Chandini M D Rafee won 1st place in Poster Presentation conducted virtually by ISPRP National Conference 2021 on 9th& 10th January 2021.
- Dr. Chandini M D Rafeewon 3rd place in ScientificPoster Presentation on the topic “An Interdisciplinary Approach in the management of Endodontic and Periodontal lesions with pigmented Gingiva”during by 11thISPRP National Conference 2021 held on 28th - 30thSeptember 2018 at Mangalore, Karnataka.
Treatment Profile
The department is serving the needs of Sullia, neighboring taluks, the District of Coorg as well as Kasargaod & surrounding parts of Kerala.
- Free treatment for needy patients.
- Treatment ranging from simple scaling to major mucogingival surgeries including bone grafts as well as cosmetic correction & smile designing is free of charge for patients.
- Oral hygiene promotion is delivered to every patient visiting the department.
Presently the department affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. Dr Dayakar M M is heading the department since 2000. The department has undergone major renovations in the infrastructure in 2010. The number of post graduate intake is 3 with the permission of RGUHS & DCI.