ICLO1- To educate the students about aetiology and pathophysiology of common restorative situations such as carious, noncarious, and traumatic disease of teeth and train them to diagnose and manage the same, which will help them to provide quality restorative treatment. ICLO2-To develop adequate knowledge of pulpal pathology and periapical disease and skill to diagnose and manage contemporary endodontic diseases using simple endodontic procedures. ICLO3-To gain knowledge about aesthetic restorative material and translate the same to patient’s needs and function. ICLO4-To provide all restorative as well as endodontic treatment procedures with high standard of professional ethics and conduct, which will contribute to the oral health and general well-being of the individual and community. ICLO5-To train the student, so as a graduate, he or she will exhibit excellent professional behaviour, basic skills to achieve range of dental procedures preoperatively and post operatively with almost care, in general dental practice independently with consistency and accuracy. ICLO6 –To update the knowledge and professional skills from time to time through CDE programmes by lifelong learning in the field of restorative dentistry and endodontics. |
ICLO1- To have a comprehensive understanding of the applied aspects of Basic Sciences including Research Methodology, Ethical issues in conduction research, Informed consent and writing a research protocol. Presenting and attending seminars/ conferences and publishing papers in specialty journals regarding the same. ICLO2- Describe aetiology,pathophysiology, periapical diagnosis and management of common restorative situations , endodontic situations that will include contemporary management of dental caries, management of trauma and pulpal pathoses including periodontal situations. ICLO3- To take proper chair side history, examine the patient and perform medical and dental procedures ar as well as perform relevant tests and interpret them to come to a reasonable diagnosis about the dental condition in general and conservative dentistry and Endodontics in particular and undertake complete patient monitoring including preoperative as well as post operative care of the patient. ICLO4- To perform all levels of restorative work as well as surgical and non-surgical endodontics including endodontic endoosseous implants, endodontic-periodontal surgical procedures as part of multidisciplinary approach to clinical condition with appropriate knowledge of infection control measures. ICLO5- To manage acute pulpal and pulpo periodontal situations and also provide basic life saving support in emergency situations. ICLO6– To adopt ethical principles in all aspects of restorative and contemporaries Endodontics including non-surgical and surgical endodontics with professional honesty and integrity should be the top priority and apply high moral and ethical standards while carrying on human or animal research. ICLO7– To Update himself by self-study and by attending basic and advanced courses, conferences, seminars and workshops in the speciality of Conservative Dentistry- Endodontics-Dental Materials and Restorative dentistry and ability to teach, guide, colleagues and other students. ICLO8– To develop communication skills- in particular to explain various options available management and to obtain a true informed consent from the patient and dental care has to be provided regardless of social status, caste, creed or religion of the patient. |
ICLO1- To have adequate knowledge of general properties and manipuation of various dental materials used in Prosthodontics. ICLO2- To have adequate knowledge of structure and function of the teeth, mouth and jaws and associated tissues and use that knowledge in restoring the lost structure and functions of stomatognathic system. ICLO3- To have adequate clinical experience of various techniques used for restoring the lost teeth and the associated oral structures. ICLO4- To develop skills to examine the geriatric patients and interpret necessary investigation results for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment planning. ICLO5- To adopt ethical principles in all Prosthodontic practice. ICLO6– Seek to improve awareness and provide Prosthodontic practice throughout the community. |
ICLO1- To have adequate knowledge and understanding of etiology, diagnosis and treatment planning of various conditions requiring a Prosthodontic therapy. ICLO2- To develop adequate skills in taking proper clinical history, examine the patient and to read and interpret a radiograph and other investigations for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment planning in order to restore the lost structures and functions of the stomatognathic system. ICLO3- To acquire adequate skills and competence in performing various procedures related to complete dentures, removable and fixed partial dentures, implant supported prosthesis and maxillofacial prosthesis. ICLO4- To adopt ethical principles in all Prosthodontic practice. ICLO5- To develop skills communicate in simple understandable language with the patients and explain the principlies of Prosthodontics to the patients especially to the geriatric patients. ICLO6– To able to interact with other speciality including medical speciality for a planned team management of patients for a craniofacial and oral acquired and congenital defects, TMJ syndromes, esthetics and implant supported prosthetics. |
ICLO1- To apply knowledge gained in related medical subjects in the management of patients with oral surgical problems. ICLO2- To have adequate knowledge and understanding of etiology, pathophysiology, investigate and diagnosis, treatment planning of various common oral and maxillofacial surgical problems both minor and major in nature. ICLO3- To have adequate knowledge regarding sterilization of instruments, personal hygiene and infection control, prevention of cross infection and safe disposal of hospital waste ICLO4- ICTo gain knowledge regarding diagnosis, to understand the principles of surgical treatment of various oral and maxillofacial disorders and conditions and able to be able to decide the requirement of referral to oral surgical specialist.LO1 ICLO5- To acquire adequate skill to perform extraction of teeth under local anesthesia, minor oral surgical procedures like frenectomy, alveoloplasty, biopsy, etc. ICLO6– To provide primary care and manage medical emergency in dental office. ICLO7– To efficiently communicate with patient regarding perioperative instructions, ethical issues, etc. |
ICLO1- To have adequate knowledge and understanding of etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis, treatment planning of various common oral and maxillofacial surgical problems both minor and major in nature. ICLO2- To perform with competence minor oral surgical procedures and common maxillofacial surgery. To treat them both surgically and medically (pre and post operative management, particularly evaluation, post surgical care, fluid and electrolyte management, blood transfusion and post surgical pain management). ICLO3- To identify social, cultural, economic, genetic and environmental factors and their relevance to disease process management in oral and maxillofacial region and to have essential knowledge of personal hygiene and infection control, preventing cross infection and safe disposal of hospital waste keeping in view of high prevalence of Hepatitis and HIV. ICLO4- To develop attitude to adopt ethical principles in all aspects of surgical pracrice, professional honesty and integrity and to be postered and willing to share knowledge, adopt new techniques of surgical management developed from time to time based on scientific research. ICLO5- To develop adequate communication skills particularly with patients giving them various options available to manage a particular surgical problem and obtain an informed consent from the far most appropriate treatment available at the point of time to develop ability to communicate with professional colleagues. |
ICLO1- To have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and definitions pertaining to health, disease, oral health and oral diseases , public health and dental public health and
prevention of disease and promotion of health and oral health at a community level and the role of environment and nutrition on health. ICLO2- To have adequate knowledge about various preventive measures employed for the prevention of oral diseases and skills pertaining to the same. ICLO3- To have an understanding of epidemiology, oral epidemiology and its role in prevention of common oral diseases ICLO4- To have knowledge of measurement of various oral diseases and develop adequate skill set to perform the same on patients. ICLO5- To know basic concepts of health research methodology and biostatistics ICLO6– To understand the principles of code of ethics and code of conduct as per the council guidelines and the dentist act and to implement it in practice. ICLO7- Educate and Create awareness through self-prepared IEC material regarding promotion of oral health and prevention of oral disease for the betterment of the community. ICLO8- To understand the concepts of primary health care and its role in implementing national health programs. |
ICLO1- To have a comprehensive understanding of the applied aspects of Basic Sciences including Research Methodology, Ethical issues in conduction research, Informed consent and writing a research protocol. Presenting and attending seminars/ conferences and publishing papers in specialty journals regarding the same. ICLO2- A thorough understanding of concepts and definitions and determinants pertaining to health, disease, oral health and oral diseases , public health and dental public health and prevention of disease and promotion of health and oral health at a community level and the role of environment and nutrition on health. ICLO3- To have a comprehensive knowledge, skills and professional competence of about various preventive measures employed for the prevention of oral diseases at individual and community level and be able to organize implementation programs both at the individual and Community level. ICLO4- To have an understanding of epidemiology, oral epidemiology and its role in prevention of common oral diseases to conduct ethically approved research towards the same end. ICLO5- To understand the principles of code of ethics and code of conduct as per the council guidelines and the dentist act and to implement it in practice. ICLO6– To understand the concept of team work, and be able to conduct and organize various field activities such as screening and treatment camps for the medically indigent and vulnerable population with utmost humility and high moral and ethical standards. To develop communication skills and be able to communicate with various NGOs and Self -help groups regarding the same ICLO7– Educate and Create awareness through self- prepared IEC material regarding promotion of oral health and prevention of oral disease for the betterment of the community ICLO8– To comprehensively understand the concepts of primary health care and School Health Care programs. To have an understanding of Community Diagnosis and its importance in solving community related oral health problems. To ensure referrals of conditions outside of speciality to an appropriate health care professionals. |
ICLO1- To understand the etiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of common disorders of oro-facial region. ICLO2- To list out differential diagnosis, necessary investigations to be carried out and frame the treatment accordingly. ICLO3- To develop adequate communication skills and ability to explain the disease process to the patient and to obtain a informed consent from the patient. ICLO4- To examine oral and paraoral structures, influence of systemic conditions on oral health, and necessary precautions to be taken during dental procedures. ICLO5- To know the advantages and disadvantages of ionizing and non ionizing radiations and their applications in dentistry. ICLO6- To understand the techniques, advantages and disadvantages of various imaging modalities and their applications in diagnosing diseases of oro maxillofacial region. ICLO7- To have adequate knowledge about ill effects of radiation in cellular, tissue and organ levels and necessary precautions to be undertaken by the operator as well as patients. ICLO8– To have adequate knowledge regarding sterilization of instruments, personal hygiene and infection control, prevention of cross infection, during clinical and radiographic examination. |
ICLO1- To know the etiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of common disorders of oro-facial region. ICLO2- To list out differential diagnosis, necessary investigations to be carried out and frame the treatment accordingly. ICLO3- To perform chair side investigations and minor surgical procedures such as FNAC, biopsy to support the provisional diagnosis. ICLO4- To know the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of different types of radiation, application of advanced imaging techniques such as CBCT, MDCT, MRI, Ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine in diagnosing diseases of oromaxillofacial region. ICLO5- To provide oral health care for medically complex patients including the diagnosis and management of medical conditions that affect the oral and maxillofacial region. ICLO6- To develop adequate communication skills and ability to explain the disease process to the patient and to obtain a informed consent from the patient. ICLO7- To know the imaging features of diseases affecting oral and paraoral structures, benign and malignant lesions and recent advances in their management. |
ICLO1- To apply the knowledge of developmental disturbance affecting hard and soft tissues of orofacial region, physical and chemical injuries of teeth and soft tissues, dental caries, pulpo-periapical diseases, for clinical application and identification ICLO2- To understand the epidemiology, etiopathogenesis , investigations, presentation of benign and malignant tumours of epithelial, connective tissue and salivary gland origin, to acquire skills of preventive care, diagnosis and management ICLO3- To apply the knowledge of microbiology of bacterial, viral and fungal diseases affecting oral cavity to achieve clinical and laboratory diagnostic skills. ICLO4- To understand and analyze basic principles of forensic dentistry with application to mass disasters, age estimation and DNA analysis. ICLO5- To apply the knowledge regarding selection, interpretation and evaluation of various clinical and laboratory investigations like biopsy, cytology and haematology ICLO6- To understand diseases of immunologic origin, haematological, dermatological and bone diseases with oral manifestations in order to develop skills of diagnosis and management ICLO7- To understand etiopathogenesis, presentation and treatment aspects of odontogenic cysts and tumours to acquire skills of clinical and laboratory diagnosis. |
ICLO1- To have adequate knowledge and understanding of etiology, nature of disease processes and the effects to achieve clinical and laboratory diagnosis skills. ICLO2- To develop adequate skills to perform routine and specialized techniques for histopathological, cytological and hematological evaluation of specimens related to oral and para-oral diseases. ICLO3- To gain knowledge regarding advanced techniques like histochemistry, imunohistochemistry, applied biochemistry, and ultrastructural investigations for developing diagnostic skills ICLO4- To adopt ethical principles in various diagnostic procedures and research ICLO5- To gain knowledge of oral microbiology procedures and forensic dentistry regarding medicolegal evidences and post-mortem identification. ICLO6- To able to interact with other specialities including medical specialities for a planned team management of patients in diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial pathologies |
ICLO1- To understand the basic Concepts of Growth and Development of facial and jaw bones, facial muscles including muscle of mastication and application of the same in diagnosing abnormal conditions such as malocclusion of the teeth , prognathism, retrognathism, cleft lip and palate of both the jaws . ICLO2- To be competent enough to gauge the Growth potential of the patient and plan appropriate mode of treatment, for the age and clinical presentation of the malocclusion ICLO3- To identify normal variations from abnormal presentations of occlusion in the oral cavity and counsel the patient appropriately and differentiate between need for a Comprehensive orthodontic care and limited intervention for correcting the developing malocclusion. ICLO4- To have Clarity in identifying the various types of malocclusion and also ease in communicating about the same to a specialist while referring the patient . ICLO5- To be competent in fabrication and activation of certain Removable Appliances for correction of minor malocclusions ICLO6- To have adequate knowledge regarding the various materials used in fabrication of the Orthodontic Appliances and their properties. ICLO7- To develop a high sense of morality and adopt ethical principles in all aspects of practice |
ICLO1- To have adequate knowledge and understanding of etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis, treatment planning of various oro-facial malocclusions and malformations of the jaws . ICLO2- To identify social, cultural, economic, genetic , environmental factors leading to a malocclusion and their relevance to malocclusion management in oral and maxillofacial region , have essential knowledge of personal hygiene and infection control, preventing cross infection and safe disposal of hospital waste . ICLO3- To treat with competence minor or major malocclusions , common malformations of the jaws and abnormalities of tooth position . To treat them using either Removable or Fixed Appliances appropriately . ICLO4- To develop a high sense of morality and adopt ethical principles in all aspects of practice, professional honesty , integrity and to be willing to share knowledge, adopt new techniques of management of malocclusion developed from time to time based on scientific research. ICLO5- To develop adequate communication skills particularly with patients giving them various options available to manage a particular malocclusion , obtain an informed consent from the patient for most appropriate treatment available at the point of time and also to develop ability to communicate with professional colleagues. |
ICLO1- Describe the anatomical ,morphological and histological features of the healthy and diseased periodontium and its functional aspects. ICLO2- Describe and Explain the etiopathogenesis of periodontal and peri- implant diseases and conditions. ICLO3- To understand the basic etiology of periodontal disease so as to enable the prevention of periodontal disease ICLO4- Apply the appropriate diagnostic technique to diagnose periodontal disease ICLO5- To acquire technical knowledge and various skills of periodontal instrumentation to create, improve and achieve periodontal disease free condition in patients ICLO6- Identify, plan and execute non- surgical and surgical periodontal treatment procedures based on current scientific knowledge and evidence to treat systematically healthy and medically compromised patients. ICLO7- Analyse the role of inter-disciplinary approaches in the periodontal and implant therapy. ICLO8– Create a sense of social responsibility and capability to deliver periodontal health care to the underprivileged sections of the society |
ICLO1- To understand and to know the various periodontal problems and plan appropriate treatment for given condition and perform appropriate periodontal therapy. ICLO2- To apply the theoretical and practical knowledge to educate and motivate the patients regarding periodontal problems. ICLO3- To know and understand the clinical outcomes of various major and minor surgical procedures. ICLO4- ICLO1To analyse and evaluate the post treatment outcome and periodic recall visits ICLO5- To know and understand the major surgical procedures such as flap surgery, implant surgery, electrocautery, laser and aesthetic periodontal procedures. |
ICLO1- Have adequate knowledge of the scientific foundations on which dentistry is based and good understanding of various relevant scientific methods, principles of biological functions and should be able to evaluate and analyse scientifically various established facts and data. ICLO2- Have adequate knowledge of the development, structure and function of the teeth, mouth and jaws and associated tissues both in health and disease and their relationship and effect on general-state of health and also the bearing on physical and social well-being of the patient. ICLO3- Have adequate knowledge of clinical disciplines and methods, which provide a coherent picture of anomalies, lesions and diseases of the teeth, mouth and jaws and preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of dentistry. ICLO4- Have adequate clinical experience required for general dental practice. ICLO5- Develop adequate knowledge of biological function and behaviour of persons in health and sickness as well as the influence of the natural and social environment on the state of health so far as it affects dentistry. ICLO6- Develop skill to diagnose and manage various common dental problems encountered in general dental practice, keeping in mind the expectations and the right of the society to receive the best possible treatment available wherever possible. ICLO7- Acquire skill to prevent and manage complications if encountered while carrying out various dental surgical and other procedures ICLO8- Possess skill to carry out required investigative procedures and ability to interpret laboratory findings ICLO9- Promote oral health and help to prevent oral diseases wherever possible ICLO10- Competent in control of pain and anxiety during dental treatment. ICLO11- Willing attitude to apply current knowledge of dentistry in the best interest of the patients and the community ICLO12- Maintain a high standard of professional ethics and conduct and apply these in all aspects of professional life. ICLO13- Seek to improve awareness and provide possible solutions for oral health problems and needs throughout the community. ICLO14- Develop the attitude of willingness to participate in the continuing education programmes to update knowledge and professional skills from time to time ICLO15– To help and to participate in the implementation of national health programmes. |
ICLO1 - To introduce pediatric and preventive dentistry and its scope and the importance of understanding child psychology in pedodontics, various theories, application of psychology principles in dental management, child abuse and neglect and emphasis on pharmacological and non pharmacological behavior management techniques. Also to know about the management of special child ICLO2 - To understand the growth and development of maxilla and mandible by explaining various theories, pre natal and post natal factors affecting the growth, age related changes and also the development of occlusion from birth to adolescence, various abnormalities and to teach the anatomical difference between the primary and permanent dentition , their chronology of eruption , various anomalies associated with it and its management. ICLO3 - To have knowledge about dental caries, its etiology, classification, newer diagnostic method , application of different caries activity and sucesptibility test, role diet and and nutrition in dental caries, importance of diet counciling, and also the manangement- preventive( fluoride, pit and fissure sealants, preventive resin restoration,newer agent available for caries prevention and remineralisation, caries vaccine), restorative(cavity preparation and and its modification,restorative matrials, stainless steel crowns) . sequele of dental caries which includes pulpal and periapical disease, etiology ,classification, diagnosis and pediatric endodontics(pulp capping, pulpotomy, pulpectomy, appexogenesis, apexification. ICLO4 - To explain the importance of Preventive and interceptive orthodontics, problems seen in primary and mixed dentition and its management, serial extraction, space management. To have an idea of oral habits, etiology, mangements. To know about the myofunctional appliance ICLO5 - To expain about oral surgical procedures, indication and contraindication of extraction, and different anesthetic technique.To brief about the dental trauma , classification, management. to understand about the medical emergencies and its managements ICLO6 - To have an idea about school dental health program and the importance of dental home in the dental scenario ICLO7 - To understand the normal gingiva and periodontuim in children, and to know the definition etiology, pathogenesis, classification and management of gingival and periodontal diseses seen in children and adolesecence. |