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Graduation Day 2021

The graduation program for the batch of 2016 was held on 17 December 2021 adhering to COVID 19 Protocols. The function was presided over by the Principal, Prof. Dr. Moksha Nayak. The chief guests were Dr. RenukaPrasad, General Secretary AOLE and Dr. JyothiRenuka Prasad, Director, AOLE.

The graduating batch of 2015
Welcome address by Principal, Dr.Moksha Nayak
Welcoming the chief guests
Welcoming the chief guests
Inauguration of the ceremony by lighting the ceremonial lamp.
Medals and certificates being awarded to the graduate by Dr Renuka Prasad and mementos and Hippocratic Oath scrolls presented by Dr Jyothi Renuka Prasad and Dr. Moksha Nayak.
Administration of Hippocratic oath by Dr. Savitha Satyaprasad
Administration of Hippocratic oath by Dr. Savitha Satyaprasad
The best outgoing student was honoured and awarded gold medal by Dr. Renuka prasad.
Release of the E magazine “ INNAYATH” by Dr. Jyothi Renuka prasad.

The vote of thanks was delivered by the batch incharge, Dr Naveen Kumar The Graduation day program concluded with the National Anthem.